Real-time live online auctions, we make buying and selling easy.



“Best place to buy equipment, great customer service & easiest auction around”.

Founded in 1993, Bar None Auction conducts monthly public auctions in two locations: Sacramento, CA and Woodburn, OR. Our years of experience as auctioneers and dealing in construction, agricultural, farming, commercial & consumer vehicles, industrial support items and more has cemented us as the West’s premier auctioneer for over 30 years.

Loading Dock Information:
Pickup & Delivery procedures:
  1. Entrance to our auction site & use of loading dock(s) & staff assistance from Bar None Auction will occur on a first come & first serve basis.

  2. Every person or entity who enters Bar None Auction does so at their own risk. Bar None Auction is not responsible for any injuries or damage to property that could occur on our auction sites.

  3. When delivering or removing from the auction yard, every person must stop at the office to obtain an official release form.

  4. When leaving our yard(s), your release form will be required and need to be shown before you may vacate the premises.

  5. When delivering equipment, do so with the keys or the equipment will be turned away (unless previously stated otherwise).

Loading/ Unloading Policies:
  1. Safety vests and proper footwear must be worn at all times.

  2. Know how to operate the equipment you are loading or unloading.

  3. Be aware of your surroundings.

  4. Apply brakes and use a spotter.

  5. Wheel chocks are mandatory while using the loading dock.

  6. Safety harness is mandatory for loading or unloading lift equipment.

  7. Bar None Auction is not responsible for loading or unloading equipment or the securing of any loads.

  8. Bar None Auction is not responsible for verifying that equipment being transported to/from the auction yard is properly secured or being carried in compliance with applicable transportation laws and regulations.

  9. When a loader or forklift is required to assist in loading, Bar None Auction will help load and/or unload at its own discretion.

  10. Access to and from the auction yard is only permitted through the truck entrance.


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